Mission Statement

Omnipresent Caregivers of Florida is committed to providing home care services that enhances the health, dignity and the wholeness of those we serve. We are dedicated to building long term relationships  with our clients through quality training, superior customer service and collaborative and supportive living care systems. We want to be recognized as the leading home care company in the Tampa Bay area as evidenced by our integrity, compassion, advocacy, resourcefulness excellence.


Our daily goal is to create positive experiences for our clients through an endless string of the needs we have identified and the daily promise we keep. We focus on positive client experiences every hour and every day.

Our company values:



INTEGRITY: To honor our responsibilities to ourselves, our employer, and most importantly, the clients by using each of our individual skill sets to the best of our ability in the service of our fellow man and woman.


COMPASSION: To provide care to the body, mind and spirit of those entrusted to our care. To treat each other as we would want to be treated.


ADVOCACY: To improve the well-being of the people in our communities and to bring the best health care services and resources to our clients.


RESOURCEFULNESS: To advance the benefits of health care services in our communities and to make the best use of our God given resources.


EXCELLENCE: To support education and research to enhance our performance to continuously improve our services and ourselves.

Our Service Areas:

We proudly service all of Pinellas and Pasco County.


Our Caregivers:

Our caregivers are totally committed, highly qualified, and carefully selected individuals who are thoroughly screened, background checked, drug tested, bonded & insured and trained by a team of Registered Nurse’s with over 15 years of health care experience. Our caregivers typically consist of experienced Certified Nurse Assistants, Home Health Aides, Licensed Practical Nurses and Registered Nurses.


OmniPresent Caregivers of Florida

866 4-ALWAYS

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